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Our Faith

Our school motto is “Love one another as I have loved you.”

Through prayer and worship pupils are inspired to set their sights high and strive for excellence in every element of their school life. As they move around the school pupils are constantly reminded, through art, statues, icons and artefacts, of their responsibilities to care for and respect each other so that God’s love shines out through them.

We pray every day together in a variety of ways. There are formal prayers during the day when pupils come together as a class to offer their day to God in the mornings, to bless their food and thank God for it at lunchtimes and to ask for God’s continued protection at the end of the school day.

The school holds regular assemblies when pupils are encouraged to pray and praise God through song and through prayers created by themselves. If a pupil wishes to petition God they are encouraged to write their prayer on prayer card and tie it on to the Prayer Tree in our special ‘drop in’ prayer space. This space is one which children are encouraged to use during their own time, but are also scheduled to use during particular moments of the year.

Pupils are given the opportunity to plan and lead an act of worship weekly. They plan and write prayers as part of classroom and whole school Masses and prayer services. In every class, two children are chosen as prayer leaders and they lead prayer in the daily acts of collective worship. Prayers in class are collected in a special Prayer Journal and returned to by the children.

Every day, in every class there is an act of Catholic Prayer. This is a time to listen to God. Music starts, pupils sit quietly and calmly and close their eyes. This time of listening to God is central to the school day.

Children in each class take turns to bring home a prayer bag, to help you as a family pray at home together.