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Visiting our Nursery and Admissions Policy

We are thrilled to welcome you to St. John's Nursery.

At St. John's Nursery, we embrace all families and children, regardless of race, culture, gender, social background, or disability. Our mission is to work closely with families to create a positive and lasting impact on each child’s development. Together, we strive to foster a stimulating learning environment where children are happy, motivated, and engaged with an exciting curriculum.

We offer care for children aged 3–5 years old and are proud to be part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Unit at St. John's Catholic Primary School.

If families require wrap-around care, such as breakfast or afterschool clubs, St. John’s is here to support these needs. Our unique approach allows children to remain within the same Foundation Stage Unit for up to three years, providing unparalleled consistency and stability for their early education journey.

A Place to Learn, Explore, and Grow

At St. John’s Nursery, we offer a diverse range of stimulating, educational, and engaging experiences to inspire every child. Most importantly, your child will be cared for and nurtured by a passionate team of Early Years Professionals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to our setting. Our collective aim is to support each child’s development and nurture their love for learning during these crucial early years.

We understand that choosing the right early years setting for your child is one of the most important decisions you’ll make, and we are here to support you every step of the way.