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 How do we look after your child’s wellbeing and promote positive mental health?...

At St. John's we have a passion to make a difference. We aim to increase awareness of mental health and wellbeing, embedding a culture of resilience, acceptance and understanding.

Every morning when the children come into school, they 'check-in' their emotions as part of their morning routine. If there are any sad, worried or negative emotions, your child will be spoken to by a trusted member of staff before breaktime at 10.30 am. Each class Check-In area is slightly different, and you can see a few pictured below. Names are blurred out for privacy.

Worry Club

We run a Worry Club throughout the week. The children can access the club directly from the playground during their lunch break. 
This allows our children to share their worries with a trusted and familiar adult in a safe and comfortable environment. . 

For more information on how you can support mental health and wellbeing in your family, take a look at the following pages: